In response to the National Park Service retweeting a New York Times piece on Trump’s Inauguration numbers, Trump’s fragile ego demanded that his administration order the NPS to stop all tweets.
The National Park Service refuses to be muzzled. On January 24th, South Dakota’s Badlands National Park social media team defiantly posted a series of climate change facts from the National Wildlife Federation before being shut down. Anonymous employees from the National Park Service started a rogue twitter account, and now they’re on Bluesky:
These courageous federal employees are risking their careers to ensure that the public is kept informed on issues of climate change. They are fighting for transparency, truth, and science, and they deserve every ounce of support we can offer them. Tweet, email, FB, and phone in your support. Visit your local National Parks and thank the employees there in person. Donate to the National Parks Conservation Association and the National Park Foundation.
For them, for us, for the sake of the First Amendment, the environment, our state parks, and our future, we honor the bravery and chutzpah of these NPS employees with a scent that benefits the National Parks Conservation Association and the National Park Foundation.
The Theoi Nomioi are the gods and spirits of the wild: the countryside, the pastures, the forests. Under their auspices, untamed nature thrives, the beasts of the wild feast and multiply, the mountains reach to the heavens with their stony, snow-capped fingers, and the forests grow thick and dark with mystery.
The National Parks Conservation Association
“Since 1919, the National Parks Conservation Association has been the leading voice of the American people in the fight to safeguard the scenic beauty, wildlife, and historic and cultural treasures of the largest and most diverse park system in the world. Help us assure the future of our beloved national parks.”
The National Park Foundation
“The National Park Foundation protects America’s special places, connects people to nature and inspires the next generation of park stewards.”
reasonsays –
This scent is more complex than I’d predicted, and absolutely gorgeous. Airy and sharp by turns, holy and grounded from one moment to the next, it’s perfect for a woman with a backbone (or sword) of steel and the weight of her convictions behind her. Or for anyone who supports such a woman.
stormyhearted –
Very incense-y on me- I don’t get any floral at all. It’s not for me but it’s not bad, either.
Gloame –
When wet, there’s a bit of a sickly scent to it. On dry down, that fades completely and it’s a light resin-y, incense-y, floral. It’s pretty, but it doesn’t stand out as anything spectacular on my skin. I agree that it does have a medieval vibe and would be great for RP.
dragonragdoll –
Probably my favorite scent I’ve ever recieved. It starts off !lmost brash and offensive, the Golden oudh overpowering the other notes. Once it dries, it melds into a sweet and powerful musk, the flowers and steel coming through gorgeously. 10/10.
Sarah –
I don’t normally go for floral scents, but I *had* to give this a try! In the bottle, it smells good. There’s something clean and no-nonsense about it. On skin, it burst with the layers of scent rather spectacularly, but then with my body chemistry it settled into the floral note, which overwhelmed all else. I don’t think this is a scent for me, but I know plenty of lovely, strong women who I might be able to gift it to, and I’m glad a little of the money for the purchase went to a good cause!