‘Tis said that when
The hands of men
Tamed this primeval wood,
And hoary trees with groans of woe,
Like warriors by an unknown foe,
Were in their strength subdued,
The virgin Earth Gave instant birth
To springs that ne’er did flow
That in the sun Did rivulets run,
And all around rare flowers did blow
The wild rose pale Perfumed the gale
And the queenly lily adown the dale
(Whom the sun and the dew
And the winds did woo),
With the gourd and the grape luxuriant grew.
So when in tears
The love of years
Is wasted like the snow,
And the fine fibrils of its life
By the rude wrong of instant strife
Are broken at a blow
Within the heart
Do springs upstart
Of which it doth now know,
And strange, sweet dreams,
Like silent streams
That from new fountains overflow,
With the earlier tide
Of rivers glide
Deep in the heart whose hope has died —
Quenching the fires its ashes hide, —
Its ashes, whence will spring and grow
Sweet flowers, ere long,
The rare and radiant flowers of song!
A sunlit ancient forest, dotted with wild roses, grape vine, and queenly lilies, clothed in swirls of opium smoke.
Daneth –
Super lovely Vetiver, keltic scent, makes me think of forests and ancient secret shamanic magic.
Goomba –
As it’s aged in the imp (I don’t use it often) it’s gotten better and better. It’s gotten a more clear unique smell and less of the basic “boy’s first cologne at prom” smell. It’s masculine and definitely like some kind of dry wood, in a good way. I feel like you can’t go wrong with this one if you’re trying to avoid anything sweet or fruity or flowery or spicy – it’s none of those for me.
goombapie –
For me, this one did not smell very good AT FIRST. When initially opened, it smelled more soapy. As I decided I didn’t like it very much and left the bottle closed, and tried it again a few weeks later, it seemed to have changed and I liked it a lot more.
To me it still smells kind of “basic”, like just a slight twist on the kind of generic scent you might expect a teenage boy to wear to prom, but I still like it and definitely recommend letting it stew in the bottle to give it a 2nd chance if you don’t like it at first.
Jadeah –
I smell like a railway station.;[ the scent of wagons, that specific strange scent which makes you think of train journeys. Not in good way. Then it transformed to wet kitchen towel >.< first 'no' scent for me and Im dyin to try it on someone else.
KatRampant –
This is the ultimate wood fragrence for me. Cedary piney wooden goodness. The pine steps back on application and lets some smoke through. It honestly smells like I’ve been sitting by a bonfire for hours.
Gloame –
Ahhh, the cedar. Smells like a sweater coming out of the closet in perfect condition and that happy, satisfied feeling of noting zero moth bites. Like the first few weeks of fall, when it’s not yet too cool, but you’re ready for the fireplace in the evenings. Lovely.
Unisex, dry, warm, woody.
Adam –
Cedra, earth, and vetiver. Straight up. This is the scent for wood or earth scent lovers. Makes for a great men’s scent. This one is a keeper and continuous buy for me. Absolutely amazing!