‘Tis said that when
The hands of men
Tamed this primeval wood,
And hoary trees with groans of woe,
Like warriors by an unknown foe,
Were in their strength subdued,
The virgin Earth Gave instant birth
To springs that ne’er did flow
That in the sun Did rivulets run,
And all around rare flowers did blow
The wild rose pale Perfumed the gale
And the queenly lily adown the dale
(Whom the sun and the dew
And the winds did woo),
With the gourd and the grape luxuriant grew.
So when in tears
The love of years
Is wasted like the snow,
And the fine fibrils of its life
By the rude wrong of instant strife
Are broken at a blow
Within the heart
Do springs upstart
Of which it doth now know,
And strange, sweet dreams,
Like silent streams
That from new fountains overflow,
With the earlier tide
Of rivers glide
Deep in the heart whose hope has died —
Quenching the fires its ashes hide, —
Its ashes, whence will spring and grow
Sweet flowers, ere long,
The rare and radiant flowers of song!
A sunlit ancient forest, dotted with wild roses, grape vine, and queenly lilies, clothed in swirls of opium smoke.
uniquelyevil –
This smells like what I imagine Peter Steele smelled like.
Marlayna Attard –
I ordered this 100% because the reviews were pretty much 50/50 and I knew I wanted to try new things so lessgo, basically. I really like this scent.
On the whole BPAL scents have so much staying power over other perfumes/oils I’ve tried but I think Brimstone stays even longer than some of their other scents.
I like how sharp this smells when freshly applied. It softens with time and it’s just… I really like it but I can’t explain it. Buy the Imp. Try it yourself and see how it smells on /you/.
This has a very nice androgynous smell to it. My partner and I both really like to wear this (I’m genderfluid and he’s masc). I honestly debated it for a bit but I will be buying a full bottle when I can. 10/10 would recommend.
Alexis –
I swear it smelt different (i.e. much more pleasant) when I tried it on a few days ago, as it was on my shortlist of potential keepers – I think I will have to keep coming back to this one…
Alexis –
This is my idea of what hell smells like – it’s utterly horrific! It makes me smell of sulphur, bleach, and furniture polish. It’s not something for everyday wear, more for very special and specific purposes such as foul mood catharsis and/or blitz-cleaning my home.
Serena –
Everyone gather round the campfire for some spooky stories! Punch to the nose if you smell it directly, but calms down a lot to a very pleasant smolder after a minute or two. Absolutely wonderful combined with others, like Miskatonic University which to me brings the essence of roasting marshmallows and sipping coffee while the small campfire burns, and everyone’s wet shoes are drying by it. Or with Gomorrah, which brings a lovely floral element to it, making a pleasant and rich (sophisticated? Would wear to dinner) perfume that lasts through dancing. All in all this one’s going on the list. For a girl like me who doesn’t like anything too simple, it’s perfect.
victortackett –
On me this is a bold scent but not overpowering. On my skin, the scent is fantastic, and it takes a long time to fade. Earthy, a little smokey, definitely dark. After a long shift (12 hrs), I could still smell it at my wrist, though it didn’t have any carry after that long. Definitely getting a full bottle. Or two.
Gloame –
With a name like Brimstone, I didn’t have much hope of this being a wearable scent on me, with my finicky chemistry, but it’s actually quite lovely. Wet, it’s super smokey and burnt, but it dries down to a lovely cedar+patchouli. It’s woody and warm and lovely. A nice layering scent!
Emily –
If you are looking for a burned pine scent then this is the perfume for you. It is very potent and sharp in the imp and smells of a burning pile of pine wood. Not sure if I’ll be wearing this one but definitely happy to own it.
Potent and fascinating, with good staying power. I’m guessing at notes of pine tar, dry wood, incense, and dark musk. This one is too unique to miss! Not something I’ll wear often, but I really like it on my male partner.