How decent were you this year? Don’t bother to lie… the coin knows all, the coin tells all.
We’re releasing an extremely limited quantity of this collectible coin and perfume set, just in time for a last-minute redemption arc. The bearer of each hefty diestruck 2” coin is officially qualified to diagnose niceness or naughtiness (their own, or others’) within a 0.0001% margin of error. Just spin it, flip it, or toss it for nearly instant results.
We’ll even help you leverage the outcome: proceeds from the sales of this set will be split between Feeding America and Philabundance.
So if it still comes up NAUGHTY… you know you really blew it somewhere!
Art and coin design by the inimitable Tanya Bjork!
Solve. No judgment from us: whatever you did, you surely had your reasons! Instead we’ll simply break down your stubborn resistance to virtue with a dose of black leather, patchouli, and sweet oud, dissipating any lingering angst with a volley of lemon peel, dried plum, opium pod, cardamom, hazelnut, almond, and dates.
Coagula. Let us join together in smug benevolence! The rewards will be plentiful for those gathered up in our aetheric cloud of sugared vanilla musk, candyfloss, and ruby chocolate warmed with a hint of clove.
twopeople007 –
nicey spicey when wet. theres an almost plasticy undertone to it? that seems to be fading pretty quick tho
plastic scent has turned to an almost creakingly dry, dusty wood. plays quite well together with the spicy cookies. talked with my mum. she thinks the scent is nice, but too soft for me. nice to know that my scent profile is “flamboyant.” i then spent like ten minutes trying to pronounce oud. i dont think i got it.
once it dries completely, it settles. still a dry, dusty, haunted house floorboards sort of smell. its like, the ghost of christmas cookies past. it’s an interesting one that i think ill be coming back to