Wisdom, Justice, Moderation Perfume Oil $32.00

Wisdom, Justice, Moderation Perfume Oil


A poem about Georgia, sung through scent: red cedar, sweetgum, yellow jasmine, peach, and honey.

SKU: Georgia2020-1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

Welcome to Georgia

In November of 2020, the majority of the American people chose decency over depravity, truth over lies, compassion over spite, and kindness over cruelty. Joe Biden is now President-Elect, Kamala Harris will be the first Black, Indian, Mixed-Race woman to be Vice President, and we, as a country, have taken our first steps back towards the light.

The Democrats are the majority in the House, but if we want to have any hope of enacting real progressive change in this country – if we want any hope of combatting Covid-19, fixing our wretched healthcare system, reversing climate change, solving wealth inequality… if we want to overturn Trump’s abominable and inhumane immigration policies, reunite families, and stop family separation at the border… if we want real criminal justice reform and to enact policies that erode corrosive racial bias… if we want equality and civil rights for all… if we want any of this – then the Democrats need a majority in the Senate, too. The Biden Administration is going to have a hard enough time righting the wrongs of Trumpism during a pandemic; it will be almost impossible for Biden to act if he doesn’t have the support of the majority in Congress.

We’ve endured too much and fought too hard to give up now, and hope – real hope – is within our reach.

The fate of the Senate hinges on two runoff elections in Georgia that are set for January. It is imperative that we do all we can to ensure that Rev. Warnock and Jon Ossoff win.

November 18: Absentee ballots begin going out
December 7: Deadline to register
December 14: Early In-Person voting begins
January 5: Election Runoff

17-year-olds – if you will be 18 by Election Day, you can register now and vote on January 5.

Request an absentee ballot here.

REMEMBER: You MUST be registered to vote by DECEMBER 7.

Not from Georgia but you want to help? Please donate what you can to Warnock and Ossoff’s campaigns, chip in to help Fair Fight and Black Voters Matter get out the vote, and sign up to write letters and postcards with Vote Forward, Georgia Postcard Project, and Flip the West. We’ll keep you posted on BPAL’s social media as new opportunities to help arise.

Georgia, you are on my mind, and I will do everything I can to help Warnock and Ossoff – two truly decent people – win Georgia’s Senate seats. Proceeds from these scents benefit Fair Fight and Black Voters Matter. We can win this together.

Illustrations generously donated by Tanya Bjork to help our fundraising project!

Additional information

Weight 1 oz


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