Love Me Perfume Oil $6.25$25.00

Love Me Perfume Oil


A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency.

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Conjure Bag Perfume Oil Blends

Scents inspired by authentic New Orleans voodoo recipes. Passed down to our lab via oral tradition.
Presented in an amber apothecary vial.


  1. gracielu3

    This shit WORKS. At first, having only tried it on myself, I wasn’t incredibly fond of the scent although I thought it was nice. I layered it over jasmine one night and he COULD NOT GET ENOUGH, and he kept telling me how nice I smelled all night. Gonna FS

  2. Daneth

    When reading other people’s comments it seems like we are talking about a completely different perfume. To me it seems a jasmine-predominant aroma, mixed with something that makes the jasmine sweet and round. Like jasmine-flavored cookies. It’s heavy and intense and sweet but in a very nice, yummy way. And it stays forever, on my skin and on the fabric it comes in contact with.

  3. Zoē

    Dark, bright, sweet, earthy, and magical. One of my all-time favorites. And yes, it works.

  4. Yekupa

    Ok so I wore this for the first time after I got it as a frimp and I can say it was an amazing experience. It’s hard to say if it was because my partner and I hadn’t been together for a few days or not but we came together with a of me of quickness and electricity that was just… I can’t even.

    Anyway this scent is spicy and warm and sweet. Ive always felt a little witchy with a lot of he things I do but I honestly felt like I had cast a spell on my partner because he literally attacked me (in a good way) immediately after waking up from a nap.

    Don’t doubt the power of hoodoo.

  5. Gloame

    First impression is of Easter flowers. It’s floral-y but, not in the dusty, dry floral way that makes me sneeze. This brings back memories of early spring, flowers beginning to bloom. It smells fresh, vibrant, ALIVE. There’s a spicy undertone to it that keeps it from being too innocent and twee. I’m not going red from this, so either the cinnamon is very light, or it’s a different spice. I think it’s a different spice — I can usually pick up cinnamon since I eat so much of it haha. I agree that it feels more like a resin spiciness than an herb spiciness.

    It might serve as a decent substitute for Peitho if I can’t ever get a bottle of that in my hands again. *crying*

    Verdict: LOVE. Will probably get a 5ml. Thanks BPAL team for adding this to my frimps!

  6. darthsnuggles

    I’m really fond of this scent. In the imp, it’s sweet and a little bit spicy, but not overwhelmingly so. On my skin, the sweetness fades back a little bit and the spiciness comes to the fore. Assuming a similar blend to that of the hoodoo condition oil, I’d say the primary notes are vanilla and cinnamon, with a hint of sandalwood. It’s a subtle but pleasing fragrance, and it has really good staying power.

    There are two reasons why this review isn’t a 5/5 for me. The first is that although this blend definitely wins in terms of longevity, it doesn’t have a whole lot of “throw.” I feel like regardless of where I apply it, I have to use a LOT if I want anyone besides myself to be able to smell it.

    Second, this particular oil can be an irritant to the skin. I suspect the cause is probably the presence of cinnamon in the blend, but I’ve noticed that with both this and Follow Me Boy!, for a few minutes after I put them on, I feel a burning sensation (similar to using Icy Hot) and that patch of skin becomes red. Could just be an allergic reaction on my part, I suppose, but it’s something to be aware of. The sensation usually fades within about ten minutes, fortunately.

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