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She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.
A rallying call: golden oudh, frankincense, iris, and steel. Proceeds from this scent benefit EMILY’s List, an organization that supports electing pro-choice Democratic women to office.
Jeanne d’Arc, Albert Lynch
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The Midterms are on November 6th.
We have mere weeks before the election, and the stakes are really fucking high. I am an optimistic person by nature, but the truth of the matter is that if the Democrats don’t win back the majority, we are well and truly fucked. You have to vote like your life depends on it, BECAUSE IT DOES. YOUR LIFE and the lives of those in your community are at stake. The lives of your LGBTQ friends, loved ones, and neighbors. The lives of women. The lives of black Americans. The lives of refugees. The lives of people with disabilities. The lives of the homeless and the poor.
And LITERALLY EVERYONE’S LIFE, as the dismantling of environmental laws will be the death of us all.
It is NOT hyperbole to say that the result of this midterm election will impact the civil rights, the health, the safety, and the liberties of EVERYONE AROUND YOU, and you must act. The horrors of the Trump Administration MUST be held in check.
November 6th. That’s the deadline. Commit all you can to the hard work it’s going to take to wrest back control of Congress. I know you’re tired. I am, too. I know you’re exhausted by the unending onslaught of horrors that the GOP has assailed us with. I am, too. I know that it is getting harder and harder to keep despair at bay.
In order to have a participatory democracy, you have to participate. There is SO MUCH that you can do to push back, to resist, and to make a change for the better. But you HAVE to act. You have to vote. You have to encourage others to vote. You have to invest your time, your voice, and your resources into actually working towards making this country a safe, sane, prosperous place for all of us.
But you have two weeks. Two weeks within which YOU can make a difference. YOU can stem the tide.
Hey, extroverts! Sign up to phone bank for Democratic candidates!
Phonebank With Indivisible
Phonebank With Swingleft
Also for extroverts! Reach out to a local campaign and see if they need help canvassing, handing out literature, or making calls. You can also search for candidates who are in close races in vulnerable districts. Check out; it will help you find the nearest House district that could swing to the Democrats.
Extroverts! Go door to door!
Hey, introverts! Postcards to Voters is the answer for you! If you can commit to writing ten postcards a day, that’s one hundred and forty votes you might be securing for Dem candidates! If you can manage twenty postcards every day, that’s almost THREE-HUNDRED people you’re encouraging to hit the polls before November 6. If you can get your friends to help, that number increases exponentially. Even if you can’t meet that twenty postcard per day goal, every single postcard matters because every single vote matters.
Tools for working locally:
Resources for How to Take the House Back from the GOP
Find Your Local Indivisible Chapter
Swing Left
If you’ve got some cash to spare, donate it directly to blue candidates fighting for vulnerable seats, or donate it to PACs and organizations that will distribute the funds to boost blue candidates. Some options:
EMILY’s List
Senate Majority PAC
House Majority PAC
The Flippable Fund
Share information on voter ID and residency requirement laws in your state and help people make sure that their right to vote is enforced.
Voter Registration Rules by State
ACLU: Voting Rights
Rock the Vote: Knowing Your Voting Rights
Residency Requirements for Voting
ACLU: Fighting Voter Suppression
Fighting Voter Suppression
MAKE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE, and encourage everyone in your network to confirm their voter registration, too.
AND MOST IMPORTANT: VOTE. Vote, encourage others to vote. Overwhelm the polls.
We all have A LOT going on in our lives right now. I get it. I’m trying to run a business and raise a kid on top of all this, but it is now or never. You must find the strength, the will, and the courage to act. You have to keep fighting. I believe in you. I believe in us. I believe with all my heart that we can do this. We just need to do it TOGETHER, and do all we can to encourage others to put in the work, too.
It is hard work. It is an uphill climb. But you can DO this. Do it for your family, do it for your community, do it for your LGBTQ friends and family, do it for the marginalized racial, ethnic, and religious communities that are suffering under the depredations of the GOP.
I created this scent as a symbol of solidarity. It is an autumn scent, swirled with fall leaves, huddled against the cold winds of November.
We’re together in this fight. You’re not alone.
Bourbon vanilla and vintage champaca absolute with sweet patchouli, dried red fruits, leather accord, pumpkin rind, and a splash of bourbon.
We have been wrestling with how to disburse funds for this scent for over a week, and decided that the best impact we can make is by helping the ACLU fight voter suppression.
As you have no doubt heard, during the third presidential debate, Hillary described her plan to raise taxes on the rich in order to fund Social Security. She took a swing at him over him being a tax dodger (which he is).
“My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s – if he can’t figure out how to get out of it.”
Trump interrupted her and said, “Such a nasty woman.”
These are two things uttered by the same man within the same hour:
“Such a nasty woman.”
“No one has more respect for women than me.”
Let’s put this pussy-grabbing, racist, predatory, misogynistic, hateful, irresponsible, ignorant, immature grotesquerie out of politics for good, and do what we can to ensure that he and his ilk never cast their miserable shadows over our political process again.
Nasty Woman: black fig and patchouli, filthy bourbon vanilla, honeyed amber oud, and loukhoum.
Proceeds will be split between Planned Parenthood and EMILY’s list.
Photo: Women marching in national suffrage demonstration in Washington, D.C., May 9, 1914.
Honestly, I don’t even know how this started. It’s an old joke between me and my friend Jennifer Larochelle. Some time after the VVitch came out, we decided that there’s this goat… White Larry… that is Black Phillip’s embarrassing cousin. Every family has got one; that one relative that just isn’t quite diabolical enough, the one that makes Sabbats just kinda awkward.
This is the scent of a not-quite-Satanic goat – though he tries! – who does like the taste of butter, probably too much.
Proceeds from the sale of this scent will benefit the Humane Society of Ventura County to assist in their efforts to help animals affected by the Hill and Woolsey fires.
Goat’s milk, buttermilk, and butter. Lots of butter.
Please note: this perfume is not vegan, as it contains butter CO2 extract.
Art by Drew Rausch!
A twist on a traditional early 20th century sweet chypre with red labdanum, oakmoss, 3-year aged patchouli, Italian bergamot, and peach.
Peach Chypre debuted at DragonCon this year as a fundraiser response to Governor Kemp’s monstrous and misleadingly-named “Fetal Heartbeat” bill: proceeds from the sale of this scent benefit Planned Parenthood.
reasonsays –
This scent is more complex than I’d predicted, and absolutely gorgeous. Airy and sharp by turns, holy and grounded from one moment to the next, it’s perfect for a woman with a backbone (or sword) of steel and the weight of her convictions behind her. Or for anyone who supports such a woman.
stormyhearted –
Very incense-y on me- I don’t get any floral at all. It’s not for me but it’s not bad, either.
Gloame –
When wet, there’s a bit of a sickly scent to it. On dry down, that fades completely and it’s a light resin-y, incense-y, floral. It’s pretty, but it doesn’t stand out as anything spectacular on my skin. I agree that it does have a medieval vibe and would be great for RP.
dragonragdoll –
Probably my favorite scent I’ve ever recieved. It starts off !lmost brash and offensive, the Golden oudh overpowering the other notes. Once it dries, it melds into a sweet and powerful musk, the flowers and steel coming through gorgeously. 10/10.
Sarah –
I don’t normally go for floral scents, but I *had* to give this a try! In the bottle, it smells good. There’s something clean and no-nonsense about it. On skin, it burst with the layers of scent rather spectacularly, but then with my body chemistry it settled into the floral note, which overwhelmed all else. I don’t think this is a scent for me, but I know plenty of lovely, strong women who I might be able to gift it to, and I’m glad a little of the money for the purchase went to a good cause!