JK Men Are Very Good LOL Perfume Oil $32.00

JK Men Are Very Good LOL Perfume Oil


What a piece of worke is a man! how Noble in
Reason? how infinite in faculty? in forme and mouing
how expresse and admirable? in Action, how like an Angel?
in apprehension, how like a God?
The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet,
to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me-
nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.

Due to the way Facebook’s hate-speech algorithms work, casual observations such as “Men are trash” or “Men are scum” end up being treated with the same gravity as words meant to attack and harass marginalized communities.Vanity Fair has covered exactly how this came to pass, and why they won’t be changing them anytime soon.

As a small business that has always drawn inspiration from the historical, the erotic, the political, the esoteric, we have frequently run afoul of Facebook’s policies. Iironic, isn’t it, considering the horrifying abuses that still pass muster by the site’s standards – which larger companies, foreign countries, and yes, certain MEN seem to effortlessly circumvent?

And we’re not alone: our nightlife friends The Nobodies’ event page for their upcoming showcase of drag king talent, playfully entitled “Men Are Trash,” was deleted almost immediately, eliciting a warning from the website.

Their solution was to create a new event entitled “JK MEN ARE VERY GOOD LOL.” But this too ended up being deleted, and as a consequence of back-to-back “hate speech” violations, the group’s entire Facebook presence was removed.

So… what is a man, exactly? And what is it possible to say about him? We really, honestly couldn’t tell you. Would Hamlet’s comment “Man delights not me” end up getting deleted? Will our posts promoting this scent?

At least we’ll all be in great company in Facebook jail.

Pipe tobacco, leather, mid-century aftershave, a belt of bourbon and a grassy smear of mud from a fairway divot.

Proceeds from this scent will be donated to NYC’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center.

Follow The Nobodies on YouTube

The Nobodies (1)The Nobodies are New York City’s least favorite nightlife weirdos, a supergroup composed of Ariel Italic, Lady Bearica Andrews, and DJ Accident Report.

Thanks to their negligible income and short attention spans, you’ll find them hosting a plethora of different events, including RuPaul’s Drag Race viewings, dance parties, variety shows, and movie screenings. You may even have caught them working at BPAL’s booth at various conventions.

In addition to being nominated for a 2016 GLAM Award for Best Duo or Group, they have taken over as producers and hosts of the Slam Awards (the NYC nightlife equivalent of the Razzies, which has absolutely nothing to do with the WWE’s Slammy Awards).

As the main sponsor of their annual Mx. Nobody drag pageant (technically an un-pageant, which judges contestants of all genders on the basis of Newness, Outlook, Passion, and Eugh), Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab is proud to participate in The Nobodies‘ ongoing experiments testing the limits of audience tolerance and plain old common decency.

Blessed few may have what it takes to be a real Nobody — but now anybody can smell like one.

(Logo artwork by Lily Gabrielle Hoyda.)
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