On to Pieria he stepped from the upper air, and swooped down upon the sea, and then sped over the wave like a bird, the cormorant, which in quest of fish over the dread gulfs of the unresting sea wets its thick plumage in the brine. In such wise did Hermes ride upon the multitudinous waves. But when he had reached the island which lay afar, then forth from the violet sea he came to land, and went his way until he came to a great cave, wherein dwelt the fair-tressed nymph; and he found her within. A great fire was burning on the hearth, and from afar over the isle there was a fragrance of cleft cedar and juniper, as they burned; but she within was singing with a sweet voice as she went to and fro before the loom, weaving with a golden shuttle. Round about the cave grew a luxuriant wood, alder and poplar and sweet-smelling cypress, wherein birds long of wing were wont to nest, owls and falcons and sea-crows with chattering tongues, who ply their business on the sea. And right there about the hollow cave ran trailing a garden vine, in pride of its prime, richly laden with clusters. And fountains four in a row were flowing with bright water hard by one another, turned one this way, one that. And round about soft meadows of violets and parsley were blooming. There even an immortal, who chanced to come, might gaze and marvel, and delight his soul; and there the messenger Argeiphontes stood and marvelled.
Crisp sea air, kelp, and climbing vines, flame-singed cedarwood and juniper branches, cypress boughs, alder wood, violets, selino, parsley, glistritha, and white sage.
Hellokoi –
Smooth, sweet, slightly herbal, lemony verbena with a hint of green grass and a spa-like freshness from the ginger and aquatic. I was worried about the “rain” going soapy on me, as aquatics usually do, but this is more just clean feeling than outright soapy smelling.
Sweet lemon and fresh ginger with a hint of green. It smells like a calming spa fragrance.
dementia_divine –
In the imp: Mostly verbana, ginger, green grass, and the summer rain note.
Wet: Verbana, ginger, and green grass. This really does have a summer-vibe going on. The verbana and grass end up being the dominant notes. The ginger is still present, though. Then, the summer rain note emerges.
Dry: The grass and verbana notes are still present, but they are not as prominent as they were before. The summer rain note, like most aquatic notes, has turned somewhat soapy on me. The amber is present now, along with a bit of sage. This stage of the scent is not for me.
Verdict: This is not a scent that I would like to wear, but I think it would make a nice room scent.
[email protected] –
I recently received a frimp of this. On me, it is an herbal verbena, fresh and golden green. Perfect for those looking for a fresh citrus scent.