The unicorn began to walk toward the harpy’s cage. Schmendrick the Magician, tiny and pale, kept opening and closing his mouth at her, and she knew what he was shrieking, though she could not hear him. “She will kill you, she will kill you! Run, you fool, while she’s still a prisoner! She will kill you if you set her free!” But the unicorn walked on, following the light of her horn, until she stood before Celaeno, the Dark One.
For an instant the icy wings hung silent in the air, like clouds, and the harpy’s old yellow eyes sank into the unicorn’s heart and drew her close. “I will kill you if you set me free,” the eyes said. “Set me free.”
The unicorn lowered her head until her horn touched the lock of the harpy’s cage. The door did not swing open, and the iron bars did not thaw into starlight. But the harpy lifted her wings, and the four sides of the cage fell slowly away and down, like the petals of some great flower waking at night. And out of the wreckage the harpy bloomed, terrible and free, screaming, her hair swinging like a sword. The moon withered and fled.
The unicorn heard herself cry out, not in terror but in wonder, “Oh, you are like me!” She reared joyously to meet the harpy’s stoop, and her horn leaped up into the wicked wind. The harpy struck once, missed, and swung away, her wings clanging and her breath warm and stinking. She burned overhead, and the unicorn saw herself reflected on the harpy’s bronze breast and felt the monster shining from her own body. So they circled one another like a double star, and under the shrunken sky there was nothing real but the two of them. The harpy laughed with delight, and her eyes turned the color of honey. The unicorn knew that she was going to strike again.
Clanging metal, smouldering hatred, and terror: vetiver, myrrh, patchouli, tolu balsam, black clove, bergamot, orange flower, and horseradish.
cobrien.extraordinaire –
Like a freshly-showered hippie in a brisk mountain breeze.
Gloame –
The mint and green tea are the clear standouts on my skin. I like the smell of snake oil, but I find it a little too much for everyday wear, so I was really hoping one of these Snake Pit blends would tone it down enough for me to get that vibe without overwhelming the people in my office. I think this smells really fresh and zingy. I think I like it, but I don’t know that I LOVE it. I’ll probably try it a few more times and see how I feel in it all day.
Where I’d wear it: A sunny, outdoor summer festival
Anna –
The mint in this blend is bright and fresh smelling – like freshly picked mint leaves. The minty notes along with bergamot and a touch of green tea blend perfectly with sultry, magnetic Snake Oil. I find it helps me suppress appetite whereas some other blends make me hungry and yet it’s a wonderful smelling fragrance. Fresh and adventurous with an underlying sensuality. I’d classify this unique blend as unisex.