The Witch/Strega Perfume Oil $28.00

The Witch/Strega Perfume Oil


The Witch/Strega, Angelo Caroselli, 17th Century
“Look at this witch’s face! You know she’s going to be a cutting-clever one, uttering snarky-sneaky observations that make you both gasp and splutter with repressed laughter about mutuals you can’t stand. I want to be her Facebook friend. She’d be a scream in a Netflix watch party.”

Leatherbound tomes and rose cream, flickering flames of twin ambers, and a cascade of shadows: black oud, teakwood, black beeswax, 13-year aged patchouli, cinnabar, balsam, sweet labdanum, tonka bean, and smoke.

October 2020 marks the release of The Art of the Occult: A Visual Sourcebook for the Modern Mystic, a new book by prolific art admirer and gothic lifestyle writer S. Elizabeth (Twitter, Instagram, Haute Macabre, These Unquiet Things).

To celebrate the occasion, BPAL has invited the author to collaborate on a collection of art/scent pairings intended to serve as access points to occult inspiration, accompanied by short notes from S. Elizabeth explaining why she returns to gaze at these works again and again.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz


  1. Sophie Kornmehl

    At first, I was disappointed with this perfume oil (it smelt almost petrol-like to me) but after it sat in my cupboard for about a year, I smelt it again and it is currently my new favourite. It smells like a smokey heady hazelnut and is delicious and comforting and confident.

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