We caught the tread of dancing feet,
We loitered down the moonlit street,
And stopped beneath the harlot’s house.
Inside, above the din and fray,
We heard the loud musicians play
The “Treues Liebes Herz” of Strauss.
Like strange mechanical grotesques,
Making fantastic arabesques,
The shadows raced across the blind.
We watched the ghostly dancers spin
To sound of horn and violin,
Like black leaves wheeling in the wind.
Like wire-pulled automatons,
Slim silhouetted skeletons
Went sidling through the slow quadrille.
The took each other by the hand,
And danced a stately saraband;
Their laughter echoed thin and shrill.
Sometimes a clockwork puppet pressed
A phantom lover to her breast,
Sometimes they seemed to try to sing.
Sometimes a horrible marionette
Came out, and smoked its cigarette
Upon the steps like a live thing.
Then, turning to my love, I said,
“The dead are dancing with the dead,
The dust is whirling with the dust.”
But she–she heard the violin,
And left my side, and entered in:
Love passed into the house of lust.
Then suddenly the tune went false,
The dancers wearied of the waltz,
The shadows ceased to wheel and whirl.
And down the long and silent street,
The dawn, with silver-sandalled feet,
Crept like a frightened girl.
The dead are dancing with the dead, the dust is whirling with the dust: angel’s trumpet, violet, white sandalwood, oude, copaiba balsam, angelica, white tea, olibanum, and oakmoss.
pandosimms –
I love this scent. It evokes a feeling of confidence tempered by years of experience. This is not an ordinary rose scent – more of a subtle mixture of rose tamed by violets and a hint of mystery. Sexy, alluring and memorable. This is NOT your Granny’s perfume for sure….more like a whimsical Victorian blush.
stephaniesherm2 –
Snooty Rose is my favorite GC rose scent from BPAL, and I am a huge fangirl for Beth’s rose blends. Snooty Rose absolutely is a fancy, grown-up, sexy rose that knows it is fabulous, so the name and the description are spot on. I mainly get the rich, luxurious rose, the oud, and the plum coming through when I wear this, but the bergamot is there too. This is what I think of when I think “fancy rose perfume.” It doesn’t smell at all like an “old lady,” unless we are talking about a very refined, fabulous, dressed to the nines, wears designers you have never heard of, you-wouldn’t-believe-her-age-if-she-told-you lady who could ruin all of your social aspirations with just a look. If you are a rose lover or an oud lover, I highly recommend this oil.
Jazmine –
If you’re looking for a good rose perfume, this is it! Very strong when first applied, and fairly strong throughout the day as well. I felt like a fancy Victorian lady in a rose garden while wearing it. It had a somewhat…waxy undertone to it that is not necessarily bad, it just almost smells like rose scented crayons. But, this could be due to body chemistry reacting with it. All in all, a great scent!
Kathryn –
If you like rose, you will like this. Rose, flowers, and a hint of perky citrus. Sweet and lady-like without being boring or stodgy.