Horreur Sympathique Perfume Oil $6.75$28.00

Horreur Sympathique Perfume Oil


From livid skies that, without end,
As stormy as your future roll,
What thoughts into your empty soul
(Answer me, libertine!) descend?

– Insatiable yet for all
That turns on darkness, doom, or dice,
I’ll not, like Ovid, mourn my fall,
Chased from the Latin paradise.

Skies, torn like seacoasts by the storm!
In you I see my pride take form,
And the huge clouds that rush in streams

Are the black hearses of my dreams,
And your red rays reflect the hell,
In which my heart is pleased to dwell.

The perfume of a hellbound soul, gleefully lost to iniquity: blood musk, golden honey, thick black wine, champagne grapes, tobacco flower, plum blossom, tonka bean, oakmoss, carnation, benzoin, opoponax, and sugar cane.


Presented in an amber apothecary vial.


  1. Marina Hazeltree

    This one smells like a cousin of Blood Kiss to me. However, it is more sweet and powdery, while Blood Kiss is more robust and resinous. Even though I prefer Blood Kiss, I think this one is gorgeous and just smells pleasant in general. I used up the entire imp!

  2. ranepage11

    Smells like corrupted fruits & evil sugary wines. Love this one & has become another favorite to wear often. Reminds me of this box I kept all my incense in. Delightful bit of tangy “spice” to the fruitiness of it.

  3. Gloame

    In imp, I get the weirdest hit of cheesy feet and champagne.

    But everything always changes on my skin, and this one was no diff (thankfully). It smells orange and green. Bright, vibrant, fresh. Something in it is making me sneeze, but I like it anyway. The champagne dries up a bit, fortunately, because it doesn’t do well on my skin. I can really smell the oakmoss and opoponax as it settles in.

    This blend might be un horreur, but it’s a playful, adorably evil one.

  4. ashevo

    This is a hypnotic blend of incense, musk, sweetness, and a faint note of sour. Frankly, I look like a lunatic when I wear it, because I’m constantly a hair’s breadth away from licking my own arm. It smells like dreams and wacky sex. I’m a fan.

  5. [email protected]

    My chemistry made it too sweet from the champagne grapes plum blossom and sugar. Will give to a friend who likes fruit.

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