A Little Lunacy

  • Black Moon Rising 2024

    Black Moon Rising 2024

  • The Prophet: 2025 Lunacy Fundraiser

    The Prophet: 2025 Lunacy Fundraiser

  • Lunacy Perfume, Hair Gloss, Stickers

    Lunacy Perfume, Hair Gloss, Stickers

  • Twilight Alchemy Lab

    Twilight Alchemy Lab

  • Ars Anni

    Ars Anni

  • A Guardian Angel Serves a Small Breakfast

    A Guardian Angel Serves a Small Breakfast Perfume Oil

    Paul Klee
    Rosenkuchen, coffee, and steamed milk with a burst of celestial amber musk.

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  • All Souls’ Day (Hedwig Cemetery)

    All Souls’ Day (Hedwig Cemetery) Perfume Oil

    Franz Skarbina
    Ancient cypresses surrounding clusters of purple hyacinth, fallen leaves, and crosses crafted from white roses. A splash of rosewater, an immortelle hung on a tear-streaked marble tomb, nightshade berries, smoked lilac, warm beeswax, and a snuffed candle.

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  • beaver moon

    Beaver Moon 2024 Perfume Oil

    A slightly more sinister take on our usual Beaver Moon offerings: black cherry and

    blackberry cheesecake with a smear of chocolate brandy sauce.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • beaver moon 2024 sticker
  • black moon

    Black Moon 2024 Perfume Oil

    Beth’s Creation
    The absence of light: motia attar, black orchid, mugwort, English pear, cucumber, blue lotus, jonquil, massoia, calamus and crystal musk.

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  • boney moon

    Boney Moon Perfume Oil

    Foweles in þe frith
    þe fisses in þe flod
    And I mon waxe wod
    sulch sorw I walke with
    for beste of bon and blod
    – 13th century song, anonymous

    Birds in the wood and in the space between woods, fishes in the flowing waters, I feel I must go mad from mourning because I journey with such sorrow for the beasts of bone and blood. Gnarled boughs of white oak, sweet chestnut, hazel, and holly, blood-red rowan berries, spikes of blackthorn, a scattering of melancholy lilac petals, cade, and crushed lily of the valley.


    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • boney moon
  • white lilac and moss

    Cemetery in the Moonlight Perfume Oil

    Carl Gustav Carus
    Dead grass, upturned soil, rusted ironwork, and oak leaves etched against a sepia-stained wash of tonka bean, patchouli, vetiver, and amber-tinged oud.

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  • cold moon

    Cold Moon 2024 Perfume Oil

    The mists that slept on the river’s brim.
    Went up like the wings of the cherubim.

    The water-lilies so cold and fair
    Were tangled with tresses of bright brown hair.

    The osiers bent with a quiet grace
    over a form with a still, white face.

    The river flow’d with a desolate moan,
    And dead leaves fell on the cold grey stone.
    – Sarah T. Bolton

    A mist-shrouded river, laden with sorrow: water lilies, wild plum, carrot seed, jasmine petals, and yellow bergamot pouring over moss-covered stones.


    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • cold moon

    Cold Moon Sticker

    A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • jasmine absolute and champaca petals
  • lotus root and golden amber
  • death moon

    Death Moon Perfume Oil

    Nox adveniet: a somber waft of incense curling through night-blooming jasmine, poisonous berries, opium poppy accord, sugared absinthe, and bergamot blossoms.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • death moon
  • absinthe and lavender tar
  • Placeholder
  • wisteria and white musk
  • deer moon

    Deer Moon Sticker

    A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.


    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • endurance

    Endurance Perfume Oil

    An oil crafted to help your emotional, mental, and physical stamina, especially during times of stress and duress.


    Contains: Dracaena draco, blood orange, licorice root, master root, sampson snake root chips, sassafras, and lemon.



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  • English Magpie Eating Cake Perfume Oil

    Rubens Peale
    Vanilla sponge cake, royal icing, pudding wine, honey dust, and black fig.

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    Equivalent No. 314 Perfume Oil

    Alfred Stieglitz
    An intangible vapor, an obfuscating mist: grey iris, ambergris, mallow blossom, white tea blossoms, and scorched milk.

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  • flower moon 2024

    Flower Moon 2024 Sticker

    A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • FORMULA 1551

    Formula 1551 Perfume Oil

    A blend that helps you to muster the wisdom to know the right action to take under stressful situations.

    This oil contains solomon’s seal, hyssop, rose otto, frankincense, and rue.



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  • Girl holding a snake

    Girl Holding a Snake – Innocence Perfume Oil

    Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach

    Vanilla cream engulfed in dark, lush mosses, balsamic woods, and deep green incense tar.

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  • goose moon

    Goose Moon Perfume Oil

    Come, we must see and act. Devils or no devils, or all the devils at once, it matters not; we fight him all the same.

    — Bram Stoker, Dracula


    Words to live by as we plunge headlong into 2025. Our first Lunacy scent of the year is a honking good time, in spite of it all: goosefeather-white sandalwood and orris butter splashed by sour cherry cordial, red plum juice, caramelized tobacco absolute, black champaca brocade, and a touch of red chili pepper.


    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • goose moon
  • black clove and marzipan
  • harvest moon
  • hunter moon

    Hunter’s Moon 2024 Perfume Oil

    I and Pangur Bán, my cat,

    ‘Tis a like task we are at;

    Hunting mice is his delight,

    Hunting words I sit all night.


    Better far than praise of men

    ‘Tis to sit with book and pen;

    Pangur bears me no ill-will,

    He, too, plies his simple skill.


    ‘Tis a merry thing to see

    At our tasks how glad are we,

    When at home we sit and find

    Entertainment to our mind.


    Oftentimes a mouse will stray

    In the hero Pangur’s way;

    Oftentimes my keen thought set

    Takes a meaning in its net.


    ‘Gainst the wall he sets his eye

    Full and fierce and sharp and sly;

    ‘Gainst the wall of knowledge I

    All my little wisdom try.


    When a mouse darts from its den,

    O! how glad is Pangur then;

    O! what gladness do I prove

    When I solve the doubts I love.


    So in peace our task we ply,

    Pangur Bán, my cat, and I;

    In our arts we find our bliss,

    I have mine, and he has his.


    Practice every day has made

    Pangur perfect in his trade;

    I get wisdom day and night,

    Turning darkness into light.

    – From the ninth-century Irish poem, Pangur Bán, translated by Robin Flower

    Sleek black fur, fuzzy tonka bean, bronze amber and yellow bergamot, black patchouli, honeyed chestnut, and pumpkin incense.


    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • hunter moon
  • black musk and black honey
  • chestnut and patchouli
  • coffee bean and incense
  • tonka and fossilized amber
  • white pumpkin and bergamot

    In Ictu Oculi Perfume Oil

    Juan de Valdés Leal

    Crimson silk, burnished gold, cavernous oud, spilled ink on yellowed vellum, bone dust, myrrh smoke, and scythe iron.

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  • Je suis toujours la grande Isis

    Je Suis Toujours la Grande Isis Perfume Oil

    Odilon Redon
    Lily of the valley, orris root, and pale amber veiled by white myrrh, lavender smoke, clove, and crushed lapis.

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  • L'Homme fut solitaire dans un paysage de nuit

    L’Homme Fut Solitaire Dans un Paysage de Nuit Perfume Oil

    Odilon Redon

    Lilac-stained labdanum casting a long shadow across a flicker of frankincense smoke and ambergris accord.

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  • luna negra

    Luna Negra 2024 Perfume Oil

    Ted’s Creation
    The solace of shadows: blackberry and blackcurrant with Nepalese amber, kewda attar, and a deep, rich, sweet dark musk.

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  • Masks Confronting Death

    Masks Confronting Death Perfume Oil

    James Ensor
    Jolly, jeering splats of red and black currants, neroli, and spiced apricot surrounding a grinning clang of spectral sandalwood musk.

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  • moonlight wolf

    Moonlight, Wolf Perfume Oil

    Frederic Remington

    A deep, animalic whisper: wild patchouli root, fossilized amber, russet musk, clove bud, juniper needles, hay absolute, and earthy oud with a glimmer of yellow crystalline lemon peel.

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  • Morieris

    Morieris Perfume Oil

    Hans Memling

    A rictus grin of white sandalwood, toasted cedar, tonka bean, cacao, and palo santo.

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  • Murió la verdad

    Murió la Verdad Perfume Oil

    Francisco Goya

    Tolu balsam, angelica root, smoked tonka bean, brown sandalwood, bourbon vanilla, orris absolute, agarwood, and fig wood.

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    On Eating & Drinking Perfume Oil

    Would that you could live on the fragrance of the earth, and like an air plant be sustained by the light.
    But since you must kill to eat, and rob the newly born of its mother’s milk to quench your thirst, let it then be an act of worship,
    And let your board stand an altar on which the pure and the innocent of forest and plain are sacrificed for that which is purer and still more innocent in man.

    When you kill a beast say to him in your heart,
    “By the same power that slays you, I too am slain; and I too shall be consumed. For the law that delivered you into my hand shall deliver me into a mightier hand.
    Your blood and my blood is naught but the sap that feeds the tree of heaven.”

    And when you crush an apple with your teeth, say to it in your heart,
    “Your seeds shall live in my body,
    And the buds of your tomorrow shall blossom in my heart,
    And your fragrance shall be my breath, And together we shall rejoice through all the seasons.”

    And in the autumn, when you gather the grapes of your vineyards for the winepress, say in your heart,
    “I too am a vineyard, and my fruit shall be gathered for the winepress,
    And like new wine I shall be kept in eternal vessels.”
    And in winter, when you draw the wine, let there be in your heart a song for each cup;
    And let there be in the song a remembrance for the autumn days, and for the vineyard, and for the winepress.

    Purple fig, honeyed dates, sweet red wine, and apples.

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  • On Giving

    On Giving Perfume Oil

    You give but little when you give of your possessions.
    It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
    For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
    And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
    And what is fear of need but need itself?
    Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?
    There are those who give little of the much which they have—and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
    And there are those who have little and give it all.
    These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
    There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
    And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
    And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;
    They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
    Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.

    It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
    And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.
    And is there aught you would withhold?
    All you have shall some day be given;
    Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors’.
    You often say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.”
    The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
    They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
    Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.
    And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
    And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?
    And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
    See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
    For in truth it is life that gives unto life — while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
    And you receivers — and you are all receivers — assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
    Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
    For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the freehearted earth for mother, and God for father.

    They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish: pomegranate, rose, myrrh, frankincense, and neroli.

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    On Joy & Sorrow Perfume Oil

    Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
    And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
    And how else can it be?
    The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
    Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven?
    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
    Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.”
    But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
    Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.
    Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
    Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
    When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.

    Bittersweet pink grapefruit, golden peach, lime rind, and amber.

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  • on love

    On Love Perfume Oil

    When love beckons to you, follow him,
    Though his ways are hard and steep.
    And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
    Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
    And when he speaks to you believe in him,
    Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
    For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

    Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
    So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

    Tender branches, clinging roots: plum cognac, vetiver caramel, red labdanum, tobacco root, Turkish rose, and nutmeg.

    The sales from January’s scents from the Prophet series benefits UDTJ. “Our mission is to fight for equality and justice based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and across all intersectional identities. We seek to end systemic inequalities in Upper Darby, Delaware County, and beyond through community events, service, and programs. UDTJ stands for our 4 core principles: understanding, devotion, take action, and justice.”

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  • on marriage

    On Marriage Perfume Oil

    You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
    You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
    Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
    But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
    And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

    Love one another, but make not a bond of love: 
    Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
    Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
    Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
    Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

    Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
    For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
    And stand together yet not too near together:
    For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
    And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

    Red currant-laced vanilla bourbon and orris butter.

    The sales from January’s scents from the Prophet series benefits UDTJ. “Our mission is to fight for equality and justice based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and across all intersectional identities. We seek to end systemic inequalities in Upper Darby, Delaware County, and beyond through community events, service, and programs. UDTJ stands for our 4 core principles: understanding, devotion, take action, and justice.”

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    On Work Perfume Oil

    You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
    For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of life’s procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.
    When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
    Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?
    Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
    But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth’s furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born,
    And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
    And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.

    But if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away that which is written.
    You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
    And I say that life is indeed darkness ‘save when there is urge,
    And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
    And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
    And all work is empty save when there is love;
    And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God.

    And what is it to work with love?
    It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
    It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
    It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
    It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit,
    And to know that all the blessed dead are standing about you and watching.
    Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in sleep, “He who works in marble, and finds the shape of his own soul in the stone, is nobler than he who ploughs the soil. And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man, is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet.”
    But I say, not in sleep but in the overwakefulness of noontide, that the wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all the blades of grass;
    And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made sweeter by his own loving.

    Work is love made visible.
    And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
    For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
    And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine. And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.

    Work is love made visible, so let’s all chip in and do the work. White sandalwood, fig, bourbon vanilla, and angelica.

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  • pink moon

    Pink Moon Sticker

    A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council

    Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council Perfume Oil

    John Martin

    Black musk, frankincense, leather, black pepper, incense smoke, ebony, angelica root, and a splash of Stygian fougere.

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  • schwarzer mond

    Schwarzer Mond 2024 Perfume Oil

    Brian’s Creation
    The keeper of secrets: opoponax, Tunisian black amber, night musk, antique patchouli, zdravetz, terebinth, myrrh, and Pimenta racemosa.

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  • seule

    Seule Perfume Oil

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
    Amber-bedewed skin musk, golden honey, vanilla cream, and a trickle of sugared lemon.

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    Sleep – Jean-René Carrière Perfume Oil

    Eugène Carrière

    Blackened lavender thickened with Cretian labdanum, orris absolute, tonka bean, and Lapsang Souchong.

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  • snow moon
  • strawberry moon sticker
  • sturgeon moon

    Sturgeon Moon 2024 Sticker

    A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

    Art by Drew Rausch!


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    Sumpatheia Perfume Oil

    An oil to help you overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation while cultivating and retaining compassion for yourself, your communities, and the broader world.

    This oil contains lily, hyacinth, angelica, frankincense, tulsi, Roman chamomile, and lemon.

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  • Tar Papering (Crows) Perfume Oil

    Andrew Wyeth
    White sandalwood, orris root, ambergris, vetiver root, cardamom, white cedar, and black pepper.

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    The Confluence of Souls Perfume Oil

    Max Švabinský
    Lilac cream, pressed violets, pink elemi, olive blossom, and crystalline musk.

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    The Great Battle of the Vegetables and the Fish Perfume Oil

    Utagawa Hirokage

    Aomono sakana gunzei ô-kassen no zu: a chaotic clash of peppers, komatsuna, kabu, and daikon splashed by salt water and kelp with a dash of wasabi.

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  • kiss of the sphinx

    The Kiss of the Sphinx Perfume Oil

    Franz Von Stuck
    Black cherry and smoked plum resins, saffron and sweet labdanum, sensual tuberose, blackened patchouli, myrrh smoke, crimson iris, and scarlet musk.

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  • The Mulberry Tree in Autumn Perfume Oil

    Vincent Van Gogh
    Desiccated mulberries, yellowing mulberry leaves, lemon peel haze

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  • The Prophet

    The Prophet Perfume Oil

    How shall I go in peace and without sorrow? Nay, not without a wound in the spirit shall I leave this city. Long were the days of pain I have spent within its walls, and long were the nights of aloneness; and who can depart from his pain and his aloneness without regret?

    Too many fragments of the spirit have I scattered in these streets, and too many are the children of my longing that walk naked among these hills, and I cannot withdraw from them without a burden and an ache.

    It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands.

    Nor is it a thought I leave behind me, but a heart made sweet with hunger and with thirst.

    A heart made sweet with hunger and thirst: honeyed red musk, red fig, sugared tuberose, and piercing neroli.

    The sales from January’s scents from the Prophet series benefits UDTJ. “Our mission is to fight for equality and justice based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and across all intersectional identities. We seek to end systemic inequalities in Upper Darby, Delaware County, and beyond through community events, service, and programs. UDTJ stands for our 4 core principles: understanding, devotion, take action, and justice.”


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  • three human skulls

    Three Human Skulls Perfume Oil

    Salvator Rosa

    Bleached white sandalwood, ambrette seed, gurjum balsam, nagarmotha, Spanish moss, and lily of the valley.

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    Vision Perfume Oil

    Scarlet silk, peonies, pink rose petals, neroli, woodmoss, clove bud, carnation cream, and skin musk.

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  • white lilac and moss

    Vultures on a Tree Perfume Oil

    Antoine-Louis Barye
    Gurjum balsam, olibanum, blush sandalwood, linden blossom, mallow, mauve labdanum, tonka absolute, woodsy musk, purple dates, and dusty dragon’s blood resin.

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  • wolf moon 2024 STICKER WEB

    Wolf Moon Sticker

    Show your lycanthrope solidarity! A 3” x 3” high-quality vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

    Art by Drew Rausch!

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  • wood snake

    Wood Snake 2025 Perfume Oil

    A new year’s blessing! Peony, China’s national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom and plum fruit for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat, pussy willow, and quince for prosperity, narcissus and King mandarin for good fortune, and peach blossom for longevity, with a splash of blazing red of dragon’s blood and red vegetal musk to help you scare away the rampaging Nian.



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  • Wooden Path in Autumn Perfume Oil

    Hans Andersen Brendekilde
    Rooibos tea, a scattering of russet leaves, maple sap, and the fast-fading scent of once-green grass.

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  • worm moon

    Worm Moon Sticker

    He’s quite a catch. A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.


    He’s quite a catch. A 3” x 3” high-quality die-cut vinyl sticker for sticking on all stickable things.

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