Ars Anni

ARS ANNI (or “art of the year”) is a seasonal exercise in synesthesia, translating the unique sensory qualities of certain classical artworks into fragrance. More added every month in 2025!

November Art: An Autumn Lie-In
Aki no asane ya

– Matsuo Basho

December Art: Ice-Shining, Glittering
She was beautiful and she was graceful, but she was ice-shining, glittering ice.
– Hans Christian Andersen

January Art: Two-Faced Janus is Here, and First Begins the Year
Hic Iani mensis sacer est, en aspice ut aris
Tura micent, sumant ut pia tura Lares.
Annorum saeclique caput, natalis honorum
Purpureis fastis qui numerat proceres.