Heloise & Abelard's Spooky Single Notes

With the help of our witch and clown puppet friends, this year we’re getting back to basics. Remember the endless potential you felt as a kid while perusing the extremely limited options in your drug store’s Halloween aisle? A rubber nose here, a tinsel wig and plastic devil’s trident there… you could be anything, anything! That’s the spirit we’ve conjured for this year’s bumper crop of decidedly spooky single notes.

Single notes are a terrific way to hyperfocus on a particular detail, or to achieve a very specific mood or aesthetic through layering scents. Heloise and Abelard’s tastes might err toward the unconventional, but they truly want you to look and smell your best. So when anyone comments on your unusual scent, just be sure to tell ‘em how your personal style has been influenced by the haunted puppets who occasionally take over your favorite gothic perfume laboratory. They may not understand, but they’ll definitely never forget you!