Honey Absolute

  • fire poppy

    Fire Poppy Perfume Oil

    A rare wild herb that only grows in California, primarily where fires have recently erupted.

    A scent of renewal, a vibrant cascade of crimson, orange, and russet: tangerine, scarlet musk, honey absolute, red amber, pink peppercorn, and champaca.

    Please note: this oil is not vegan.

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  • This image is decorative

    Sweets to the Sweet Perfume Oil

    One sight did catch her attention however. Scrawled on the paving stones she was walking over—and all but erased by rain and the passage of feet—the same phrase she'd seen in the bedroom of number 14: “Sweets to the sweet.” The words were so benign; why did she seem to sense menace in them? Was it in their excess, perhaps, in the sheer overabundance of sugar upon sugar, honey upon honey?

    Sugar upon sugar, honey upon honey: white cane sugar and honey absolute.

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