

    An Angel Leading a Soul Into Hell Perfume Oil

    Hieronymous Bosch

    A tarterian conflagration of red musk, mimosa, scorched leather, Halfeti rose, and king mandarin aflame with red pepper, daemonorops draco, red amber, patchouli ash, pimento berry, cardamom, and tobacco.

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  • beatific dragon

    Beatific Dragon Perfume Oil

    A sainted sliver of dragon’s breath: dragon’s blood resin, vanilla silk, angelica seed, mimosa, orris root, pink grapefruit, and angelic amber musk.

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    Bringer of Evil Perfume Oil

    In one case a blue butterfly was seen to flutter over a certain farm, and as affairs there had not been going at all well, it was looked upon with dread and suspicion as the bringer of evil. For three weeks the insect hovered about and during that period ‘no butter came.’ Then the farmer decided to take steps to break the enchantment. Armed with a wet towel he sallied forth to chase the alleged familiar and, cleverly flapping his cloth, he brought down the butterfly at a swoop. Precisely at that moment a woman, who was suspected of being a witch, was found lying dead outside the door of her house close by, and after the double event there was no further trouble with the churning.


    A foreboding tremble of poppy leaf, cerulean musk, violet grapefruit, mimosa, orris butter, and benzoin.

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  • delightful gargantuan vagina

    Delightful Gargantuan Vagina Perfume Oil

    Red mango pulp, sugared orange blossom, mimosa, pink musk, and sweet incense.

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  • A vintage-looking photograph of an old-fashioned pen and inkwell with text reading "Early Affection"

    Early Affection Perfume Oil

    George Moses Horton
    I lov’d thee from the earliest dawn,
           When first I saw thy beauty’s ray,
    And will, until life’s eve comes on,
           And beauty’s blossom fades away;
    And when all things go well with thee,
    With smiles and tears remember me.
    I’ll love thee when thy morn is past,
           And wheedling gallantry is o’er,
    When youth is lost in age’s blast,
           And beauty can ascend no more,
    And when life’s journey ends with thee,
    O, then look back and think of me.
    I’ll love thee with a smile or frown,
           ’Mid sorrow’s gloom or pleasure’s light,
    And when the chain of life runs down,
           Pursue thy last eternal flight,
    When thou hast spread thy wing to flee,
    Still, still, a moment wait for me.
    I’ll love thee for those sparkling eyes,
          To which my fondness was betray’d,
    Bearing the tincture of the skies,
          To glow when other beauties fade,
    And when they sink too low to see,
    Reflect an azure beam on me.

    A love eternal, thrumming beyond death: honeyed red fruits, Bulgarian rose, mimosa, heliotrope, and red sandalwood.

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  • erotic paraphernalia and an incense vessel

    Erotic Paraphernalia and an Incense Vessel Atmosphere Spray

    Honeyed black musk, lotus root, blood orange, ambrette seed, mimosa, balsam, and sandalwood incense.

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  • Euer Narren lache ich allen, denn nur ihre Kolben tun gefallen

    Euer Narren lache ich allen, denn nur ihre Kolben tun gefallen Perfume Oil

    Heinrich Vogtherr the Younger

    The scent of denial, of looking the other way, of tolerating the intolerable: white peppercorn peering slyly through green tangerine, mandarin, mimosa, and red lotus root.

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    Exclamations of Delight and Surprise Perfume Oil

    Red musk, osmanthus incense, mimosa, hyacinth, red sandalwood, orris root, and red amber.

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  • falling star

    Falling Star Perfume Oil

    Witold Pruszkowski

    Incandescent, glittering musks, pearls of sweet Florentine iris, and an indigo sigh of blue cypress, Italian bergamot, pink jasmine, cistus, white amber, mimosa, and black lilies.

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    Marianne Perfume Oil

    Red musk, bergamot, black currant, mimosa, orchid, patchouli, and lotus root.

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    Melisande, the Puppet Mistress Perfume Oil

    Behind the diminutive stage, the puppet mistress stands, a pale and grinning Professor, the Lady of Chaos. Her hands are tangled in web-like strings; a swazzle peeks through her violet lips. Behind her, you see a wavering image, with all the vague haziness of a mirage: a leaping coyote, a flame-haired and scarred Norseman, a glittering golden spider, a laughing monkey, a leering satyr, a shadowy flutist, and an African youth dressed in black and red.

    Jasmine sambac, dark musk, violet water, vanilla bean and mimosa.

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  • nymph in a goldfish pond

    Nymph in a Goldfish Pond Perfume Oil

    Franz Hein
    Bloop! White and pink lotus, calla lilies, and freshwater pearls in a swirl of apricot, tangerine, mimosa, and mandarin.

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    Obergefell V. Hodges Perfume Oil

    In celebration of the 9th anniversary of the Supreme Court case that brought “equal dignity in the eye of the law” to same-sex marriages, we present our latest fundraiser scent, Obergefell v. Hodges. With this landmark 2015 decision, SCOTUS upheld that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This decision meant that all states had to allow same-sex marriages, and recognize those performed in other states.

    No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

    Love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family: sun-warmed purple fig, wildflower honey, almond cream, jasmine absolute, mimosa, and bourbon vanilla.

    The proceeds from OvH benefit Lambda Legal, whose team of pro-bono lawyers fight for LGBTQIA+ civil rights cases including issues of marriage equality, healthcare and employment discrimination, and gender identity.

    Stained glass design by RivenBarrow Glass (Etsy, Instagram)

    Also available: Mummeries and Straining-to-be Memorable Passages, a scent inspired by Scalia’s predictably lyrical shitty dissent. Proceeds from the sale of scents in the Collected Poetic Works of Antonin Scalia benefit the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Trevor Project, and the National Center for Transgender Equality. 



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    The Grindhouse Perfume Oil

    Throaty laughter captures your attention. Across the lane you see a buxom Venetian woman standing before a huge black and red striped tent. Her head is inclined towards a dapper, leering man, and they appear to be sharing a private joke. He reaches into his waistcoat and produces a gold coin. The woman plucks it from his fingers. He bows, and walks into the tent with a swagger. A sign flashes above the tent flap in letters that seem to be aflame: The Grindhouse, Dead or Live Girls.

    The Madam turns towards you and smiles. As she approaches, someone within the tent strikes a few keys on a tuneless piano, and begins to play Jelly Roll Morton’s ‘the Crave’. The light within the tent illuminates the interior, shining behind the silhouettes of naked women gyrating lewdly upon raised stages, writhing in time with the music.

    In the distance, behind the tent, you hear a whip crack, and a man’s scream. Tittering laughter follows, and the screams continue.

    “Voulez-vous un morceau de la boîte de bonbon?” she asks, gesturing gracefully towards the tent.

    The Madam’s perfume envelops you.

    Florentine iris, red musk, mimosa, magnolia, Damascus rose, clove, and vanilla bean.

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