Amber - Red

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    A Flaming Sword Perfume Oil

    They sat in embarrassed silence, watching the raindrops bruise the first flowers.

    Eventually Crawly said, “Didn’t you have a flaming sword?”

    “Er,” said the angel. A guilty expression passed across his face, and then came back and camped there.

    “You did, didn’t you?” said Crawly. “It flamed like anything.”

    “Er, well-”

    “It looked very impressive, I thought.”

    “Yes, but, well-”

    “Lost it, have you?”

    “Oh no! No, not exactly lost, more-”


    Aziraphale looked wretched. “If you must know,” he said, a trifle testily, “I gave it away.”

    Crawly stared up at him.

    “Well, I had to,” said the angel, rubbing his hands distractedly. “They looked so cold, poor things, and she’s expecting already, and what with the vicious animals out there and the storm coming up I thought, well, where’s the harm, so I just said, look, if you come back there’s going to be an almighty row, but you might be needing this sword, so here it is, don’t bother to thank me, just do everyone a big favor and don’t let the sun go down on you here.”

    Fiery red amber and sweet oudh, flickers of honeyed patchouli and red musk, pale white coconut flecks, and crushed peppercorn.

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  • A Robe All Red With Dripping Gore Perfume Oil

    Blood musk, red amber, honey, and threads of scarlet saffron.

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    An Angel Leading a Soul Into Hell Perfume Oil

    Hieronymous Bosch

    A tarterian conflagration of red musk, mimosa, scorched leather, Halfeti rose, and king mandarin aflame with red pepper, daemonorops draco, red amber, patchouli ash, pimento berry, cardamom, and tobacco.

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    Bone-Fire Home & Linen Spray

    … rib cages and fire-eyed skulls stared and stuck and jutted from the flames, sputtering trace-element colors into the night, greens and yellows and blues-was flaring and crackling and burning hotly.

    Sparks of red peppercorns, blue-white eucalyptus leaf, and daemonorops draco against smoldering red amber and a copper sulfate-green licks of flame.

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    Exclamations of Delight and Surprise Perfume Oil

    Red musk, osmanthus incense, mimosa, hyacinth, red sandalwood, orris root, and red amber.

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  • feast of fools

    Feast of Fools Perfume Oil

    Frans Floris the Elder

    Control your own fate? You can’t even control your fête! A rollicking scent that upturns hierarchies and flies in the face of conventions: cacophonous red poppy, sweet almond cream, wildflower honey, molasses, gingerbread, scarlet jasmine, red amber, lemon peel, Spanish moss, and black musk.

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  • Art for the Forge of Vulcan by Luca Giordano

    Forge of Vulcan Perfume Oil

    Luca Giordano

    Soot and smoke, molten metal, blood musk, red amber, and tobacco absolute.

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  • Roses Pearls and Rubies

    Roses, Pearls, and Rubies Perfume Oil

    Rose petal incense, twinkling white musk, sensuous labdanum, rhubarb, dried strawberries, and red amber.

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  • Placeholder

    Seven Word Story: Wrath Perfume Oil

    The subject of our latest #BPAL7wordstory contest was WRATH. The winning entry was submitted by Miss Paulette:

    The poison worked slowly, to her delight.

    Bitter almond swirled into black patchouli, with red amber, rum absolute, and lemon peel.

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    The Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn Perfume Oil

    You are shocked out of the torch song’s melancholy mood by shrieks, hoots, and yowls. You move to your left, and see that instead of a stage, a gigantic iron cage has been hung, hovering a few feet off of the ground. Elaborate, delicate silver sigils are engraved upon huge iron disks that have been mounted to the sides of the cage, and they flicker and spark whenever one of the wild men touches the iron bars that imprison them. The backdrop depicts a blistering volcanic eruption, spiked with thick luminescent bolts of lightning. Several beings are held within the cage, male and female, spanning every age. They flash their razor-fanged smiles at you malevolently as they anxiously crawl, pace, and stalk the length of their prison, stopping occasionally to pose and preen as they gossip with one another in an unrecognizable guttural, grinding language. Their tattooed skin glows an angry crimson, curving horns protrude from their skulls, and their eyes blaze with unholy light.

    Fiery, primal, and precociously diabolical: red amber, Spanish moss, Indonesian patchouli, ambergris, sweet ambrette seed, red pepper, two cloves, and vanilla flower.

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  • Woman as Dragon Perfume Oil

    “The archaic mother – the mother who reproduces without male permission for her own satisfaction – is the least human of the female monsters because she poses the most profound existential threat… The Mother is female bodily self-determination, full-fledged and uncontrollable, out of the ocean and stomping skyscrapers, turning the male world to rubble. She is what happens when the Furies come home.”

    A fiery red musk with crushed ginger root, black upturned soil, dragon’s blood resin, clove bud, pink peppercorn, tobacco absolute, red amber, patchouli, black oud, blood-caked tar, vetiver, and cedar.

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