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    Miss Lupescu Perfume Oil

    “Bod,” said Silas. “This is Miss Lupescu.”

    Miss Lupescu was not pretty. Her face was pinched and her expression was disapproving. Her hair was grey, although her face seemed too young for grey hair. Her front teeth were slightly crooked. She wore a bulky mackintosh, and a man’s tie around her neck.

    “How do you do, Miss Lupescu?” said Bod.

    Miss Lupescu said nothing. She sniffed. Then she looked at Silas and said, “So. This is the boy.” She got up from her seat and walked all around Bod, nostrils flared, as if she were sniffing him. When she had made a complete circuit, she said, “You will report to me on waking, and before you go to sleep. I have rented a room in a house over there.” She pointed to a roof just visible from where they stood. “However, I shall spend my time in this graveyard. I am here as a historian, researching the history of old graves. You understand, boy? Da?”

    “Bod,” said Bod. “It’s Bod. Not boy.”

    “Short for Nobody,” she said. “A foolish name. Also, Bod is a pet name. A nickname. I do not approve. I will call you ‘boy’. You will call me ‘Miss Lupescu’.”

    Bod looked up at Silas, pleadingly, but there was no sympathy on Silas’s face. He picked up his bag and said, “You will be in good hands with Miss Lupescu, Bod. I am sure that the two of you will get on.”

    “We won’t!” said Bod. “She’s horrible!”

    “That,” said Silas, “Was a very rude thing to say. I think you should apologise, don’t you?”

    Bod didn’t, but Silas was looking at him and he was carrying his black bag, and about to leave for no-one knew how long, so he said, “I’m sorry Miss Lupescu.”

    At first she said nothing in reply. She merely sniffed. Then she said, “I have come a long way to look after you, boy. I hope you are worth it.”

    Animalic musk, with amber, patchouli, ho wood, cypress, almond blossom, golden sandalwood, and strange spices.

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  • pumpkin spice everything

    Pumpkin Spice Everything Perfume Oil

    Literally everything. Pumpkin spice it all. A rich blend of traditional spices: cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, and clove.

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  • snake oil vintage 2014

    Snake Oil: 2014 Vintage Perfume Oil

    Two years onward from our great cross-country move, we’re still opening boxes we forgot we’d packed, unearthing many oily treasures — for example, a hooch jug of Snake Oil bottled in 2014, aged to perfection in the temperature-controlled darkness of a West coast warehouse, and then an East coast one.

    We’ve chosen to break up this limited quantity of bottles into smaller batches to be released gradually over time, in hopes that it will help more folks stand a chance of acquiring them; today’s is the first such release. Once our own private well of 2014 Snake Oil runs dry, that will be it forever!

    Snake Oil: By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. Our signature scent, deep, rich earthy notes swirled with vegetal musks, sugared vanilla bean, and dark spices.

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