Our Lady of Pain 2024

Who gave thee thy wisdom? what stories
That stung thee, what visions that smote?
Wert thou pure and a maiden, Dolores,
When desire took thee first by the throat?
What bud was the shell of a blossom
That all men may smell to and pluck?
What milk fed thee first at what bosom?
What sins gave thee suck?

Words by Swinburne, art by Harry Clarke and Alastair, scents by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.

  • a twilight where virtues are vices

    A Twilight Where Virtues are Vice Perfume Oil

    In a twilight where virtues are vices,

    In thy chapels, unknown of the sun,

    To a tune that enthralls and entices,

    They were wed, and the twain were as one.

    For the tune from thine altar hath sounded

    Since God bade the world’s work begin,

    And the fume of thine incense abounded,

    To sweeten the sin.


    Honeysuckle, Moroccan jasmine, and opium smoke.

    Out of Stock
  • dried is the blood of thy lover

    Dried is the Blood of Thy Lover Perfume Oil

    What broke off the garlands that girt you?

    What sundered you spirit and clay?

    Weak sins yet alive are as virtue

    To the strength of the sins of that day.

    For dried is the blood of thy lover,

    Ipsithilla, contracted the vein;

    Cry aloud, “Will he rise and recover,

    Our Lady of Pain?”


    Dragon’s blood resin, myrrh, red musk, vetiver, black clove, and cassia.

    Out of Stock
  • feed me and fill me with pleasure

    Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure Perfume Oil

    For my heart too springs up at the pressure,

    Mine eyelids too moisten and burn;

    Ah, feed me and fill me with pleasure,

    Ere pain come in turn.


    Black patchouli, honey, and thick vanilla amber.

    Out of Stock
  • Fierce midnights and famishing morrows

    Fierce Midnights and Famishing Morrows Perfume Oil

    Seven sorrows the priests give their Virgin;

    But thy sins, which are seventy times seven,

    Seven ages would fail thee to purge in,

    And then they would haunt thee in heaven:

    Fierce midnights and famishing morrows,

    And the loves that complete and control

    All the joys of the flesh, all the sorrows

    That wear out the soul.


    Black plum, wild lily, and tobacco.

    Out of Stock
  • forgive us our virtues, forgive us

    Forgive Us Our Virtues, Forgive Us Perfume Oil

    Who has known all the evil before us,

    Or the tyrannous secrets of time?

    Though we match not the dead men that bore us

    At a song, at a kiss, at a crime–

    Though the heathen outface and outlive us,

    And our lives and our longings are twain–

    Ah, forgive us our virtues, forgive us,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Pale frankincense, styrax, East African black patchouli, cinnamon leaf, rosewood, and palisander.

    Out of Stock
  • Hair loosened and soiled in mid orgies

    Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies Perfume Oil

    All shrines that were Vestal are flameless,

    But the flame has not fallen from this;

    Though obscure be the god, and though nameless

    The eyes and the hair that we kiss;

    Low fires that love sits by and forges

    Fresh heads for his arrows and thine;

    Hair loosened and soiled in mid orgies

    With kisses and wine.


    White honey, warm musk, and ambrette seed.

    Out of Stock
  • house of unquenchable fire

    House of Unquenchable Fire Perfume Oil

    O garment not golden but gilded,

    O garden where all men may dwell,

    O tower not of ivory, but builded

    By hands that reach heaven from hell;

    O mystical rose of the mire,

    O house not of gold but of gain,

    O house of unquenchable fire,

    Our Lady of Pain!


    Glittering amber, frankincense, neroli, vanilla silk, and champaca.

    Out of Stock
  • implacable beautiful tyrant

    Implacable Beautiful Tyrant Perfume Oil

    When, with flame all around him aspirant,

    Stood flushed, as a harp-player stands,

    The implacable beautiful tyrant,

    Rose-crowned, having death in his hands;

    And a sound as the sound of loud water

    Smote far through the flight of the fires,

    And mixed with the lightning of slaughter

    A thunder of lyres.


    Golden amber, frankincense, white ginger, and oudh.

    Out of Stock
  • In his hands all thy cruelties thrive

    In His Hands All Thy Cruelties Thrive Perfume Oil

    Thou shalt blind his bright eyes though he wrestle,

    Thou shalt chain his light limbs though he strive;

    In his lips all thy serpents shall nestle,

    In his hands all thy cruelties thrive.

    In the daytime thy voice shall go through him,

    In his dreams he shall feel thee and ache;

    Thou shalt kindle by night and subdue him

    Asleep and awake.


    Gleaming black vetiver, bay laurel, opoponax, hiba wood, Spanish moss, clove, and leather accord.

    Out of Stock
  • In the darkness they murmured and mingled

    In the Darkness They Murmured and Mingled Perfume Oil

    And they laughed, changing hands in the measure,

    And they mixed and made peace after strife;

    Pain melted in tears, and was pleasure;

    Death tingled with blood, and was life.

    Like lovers they melted and tingled,

    In the dusk of thine innermost fane;

    In the darkness they murmured and mingled,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Labdanum, black plum, black currant, violet, and champaca flower.

    Out of Stock
  • lips full of lust and of laughter

    Lips Full of Lust and Laughter Perfume Oil

    O lips full of lust and of laughter,

    Curled snakes that are fed from my breast,

    Bite hard, lest remembrance come after

    And press with new lips where you pressed.


    Red musk, wildflower honey, elemi, tangerine, and mint.

    Out of Stock
  • lithe and lascivious regret

    Lithe and Lascivious Regret Perfume Oil

    Thou wert fair in the fearless old fashion,

    And thy limbs are as melodies yet,

    And move to the music of passion

    With lithe and lascivious regret.

    What ailed us, O gods, to desert you

    For creeds that refuse and restrain?

    Come down and redeem us from virtue,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Blackberry hops, blackened raspberry gum, purple chypre, and myrrh.

    Out of Stock
  • o daughter of death and priapus

    O Daughter of Death and Priapus Perfume Oil

    They were purple of raiment and golden,

    Filled full of thee, fiery with wine,

    Thy lovers, in haunts unbeholden,

    In marvellous chambers of thine.

    They are fled, and their footprints escape us,

    Who appraise thee, adore, and abstain,

    O daughter of Death and Priapus,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Black opium, wild plum, cypress tar, Bulgarian rose, olibanum, black orchid, and tobacco.

    Out of Stock
  • Our Lady of Pain

    Our Lady of Pain Perfume Oil

    Cold eyelids that hide like a jewel

    Hard eyes that grow soft for an hour;

    The heavy white limbs, and the cruel

    Red mouth like a venomous flower;

    When these are gone by with their glories,

    What shall rest of thee then, what remain,

    O mystic and sombre Dolores,

    Our Lady of Pain?


    Sumatran patchouli, blood musk, white lavender, opium tar, and black orchid.

    Out of Stock
  • quicken the soul through the blood

    Quicken the Soul Through the Blood Perfume Oil

    Thou shalt touch and make redder his roses

    With juice not of fruit nor of bud;

    When the sense in the spirit reposes,

    Thou shalt quicken the soul through the blood.

    Thine, thine the one grace we implore is,

    Who would live and not languish or feign,

    O sleepless and deadly Dolores,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Cacao, red patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, Roman chamomile, and white tea.

    Out of Stock
  • the desire of thy furious embraces

    The Desire of Thy Furious Embraces Perfume Oil

    The desire of thy furious embraces

    Is more than the wisdom of years,

    On the blossom though blood lie in traces,

    Though the foliage be sodden with tears.

    For the lords in whose keeping the door is

    That opens on all who draw breath

    Gave the cypress to love, my Dolores,

    The myrtle to death.


    Cypress, honey myrtle, yew, peace lily, ivy, and black rose.

    Out of Stock
  • The froth of the serpents of pleasure

    The Froth of the Serpents of Pleasure Perfume Oil

    All thine the new wine of desire,

    The fruit of four lips as they clung

    Till the hair and the eyelids took fire,

    The foam of a serpentine tongue,

    The froth of the serpents of pleasure,

    More salt than the foam of the sea,

    Now felt as a flame, now at leisure

    As wine shed for me.


    Sweet red wine, oakmoss, ambergris accord, ylang ylang, and Spanish mandarin.

    Out of Stock
  • The lilies and languors of virtue

    The Lilies and Languors of Virtue Perfume Oil

    Could you hurt me, sweet lips, though I hurt you?
    Men touch them, and change in a trice
    The lilies and languors of virtue
    For the raptures and roses of vice;
    Those lie where thy foot on the floor is,
    These crown and caress thee and chain,
    O splendid and sterile Dolores,
                      Our Lady of Pain.

    Calla lilies and lily of the valley with white lilac, narcissus, osmanthus, asphodel, and Egyptian musk.

    Out of Stock
  • raptures and roses of vice

    The Raptures and Roses of Vice Perfume Oil

    Could you hurt me, sweet lips, though I hurt you?
    Men touch them, and change in a trice
    The lilies and languors of virtue
    For the raptures and roses of vice;
    Those lie where thy foot on the floor is,
    These crown and caress thee and chain,
    O splendid and sterile Dolores,
                      Our Lady of Pain.

    Red roses, heady Moroccan musk, cinnamon, lobelia, coconut flesh, magnolia blossoms, and tobacco tar.

    Out of Stock
  • the shrine where a sin is a prayer

    The Shrine Where Sin is a Prayer Perfume Oil

    I have passed from the outermost portal

    To the shrine where a sin is a prayer;

    What care though the service be mortal?

    O our Lady of Torture, what care?

    All thine the last wine that I pour is,

    The last in the chalice we drain,

    O fierce and luxurious Dolores,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Deep purple Syrah, calamus, myrrh smoke, hyssop, opoponax, bitter clove, burgundy pitch, opium poppy, and violet leaf.

    Out of Stock
  • the thirst of unbearable things

    The Thirst of Unbearable Things Perfume Oil

    By the hunger of change and emotion,

    By the thirst of unbearable things,

    By despair, the twin-born of devotion,

    By the pleasure that winces and stings,

    The delight that consumes the desire,

    The desire that outruns the delight,

    By the cruelty deaf as a fire

    And blind as the night…


    Lavender, white fig, and Atlas cedar.

    Out of Stock
  • the worm shall revive thee with kisses

    The Worm Shall Revive Thee with Kisses Perfume Oil

    But the worm shall revive thee with kisses;

    Thou shalt change and transmute as a god,

    As the rod to a serpent that hisses,

    As the serpent again to a rod.

    Thy life shall not cease though thou doff it;

    Thou shalt live until evil be slain,

    And good shall die first, said thy prophet,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Bourbon vetiver, oakmoss, and pomegranate.

    Out of Stock
  • there yet shall be sorrows

    There Yet Shall Be Sorrows Perfume Oil

    In yesterday’s reach and to-morrow’s,

    Out of sight though they lie of to-day,

    There have been and there yet shall be sorrows

    That smite not and bite not in play.

    The life and the love thou despisest,

    These hurt us indeed, and in vain,

    O wise among women, and wisest,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    White sandalwood, black cypress, wormwood, creeping willow, and rue.

    Out of Stock
  • When thy will stung the world into strife

    When Thy Will Stung the World into Strife Perfume Oil

    Dost thou dream, in a respite of slumber,
    In a lull of the fires of thy life,

    Of the days without name, without number,

    When thy will stung the world into strife;

    When, a goddess, the pulse of thy passion

    Smote kings as they revelled in Rome;

    And they hailed thee re-risen, O Thalassian,

    Foam-white, from the foam?


    Dragon’s blood resin, red ginger, bourbon geranium, thorny rosemary, red sandalwood, pink pepper, and green coffee bean.

    Out of Stock