
The ParaNorman Collection
Scents based on Laika’s ParaNorman film.
Presented in an amber apothecary vial.
Because of the nature of this project, imps are not available for any ParaNorman scents.
ParaNorman®, the Movie © 2012 Laika, Inc. Laika, ParaNorman, all character names and their distinctive likenesses: ™ and © 2012 Laika, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Blithe Hollow Perfume Oil
Add to cartDead leaves and cold, moist breezes set at the edge of a forest of maple, pine, cedar, and cypress.
Bub Perfume Oil
Add to cartA dog’s bright, beaming memories of playing in the sun, rolling in the grass, and begging for table scraps.
Courtney Perfume Oil
Add to cartA sweet and over-the-top girly teenybopper perfume mixed with a little tanning lotion and a healthy dollop of pink (very, very pink) bubblegum.
Hippie Ghost Perfume Oil
Add to cartA faded snapshot of patchouli-stained peasant blouses, soft suede boots, and smoke.
Mr. Prenderghast Perfume Oil
Add to cartSweet cigar smoke, brown wool, Old Furry Touk accord, and a little bit of coffee.
Norman Perfume Oil
Add to cartHoodie cotton and milk-splashed denim with a hint of pine needles and ectoplasm.
Norman’s Grandma Perfume Oil
Add to cartA soft, ethereal scent suffused with gentle comfort. A remembrance of tea roses, lilacs, and soothing hugs.
Salma Perfume Oil
Add to cartCrisp linen, a smudge of ballpoint pen ink, soap-touched skin, apple shampoo, and effervescent science fair experiment residue.
The Book Perfume Oil
Add to cartOld, yellowed parchment paper, tattered leather bindings. There’s a distinct warmth to the scent, though it is ancient and brittle.