Tea - White

  • Baobhan Sith Perfume Oil

    The ghostly White Women of the Scottish highlands. They seduce unwary travelers by night with their unearthly beauty and mesmerizing dancing. They engage their victims in a wild, hypnotic dance, and once they reach exhaustion, exsanguinate their partners with their vampiric kiss. Grapefruit, white tea, apple blossom and ginger.

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  • batty maiden

    Batty Maiden Perfume Oil

    White tea, black carnation, Damask rose, indigo musk, and leather.

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  • Cat at the Table Perfume Oil

    Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita

    Place your bets: which object will hit the floor first? Grey amber, roasted white tea, Indian sandalwood, and vanilla oud.

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    Dawn: Mourning Victory Perfume Oil

    Red sandalwood, night-blooming jasmine, white tea, hyacinth, rosehips, and tuberose.

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    Exhausted Couple in the Treasure Room of Love Perfume Oil

    An effervescent lemon aldehyde with white musk, lychee, yuzu, and white tea.

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    Iulia, L’Artiste du Diable Perfume Oil

    A chittering buzz rises from a small crowd that has gathered around an opulent velvet-draped tent. Some are fidgeting impatiently; others try in vain to peep within the tent. Within moments, a slim, stunningly handsome man emerges from the entryway to the sound of gasps and scattered applause. His face is lit with fierce joy, and he bows almost smugly to the assemblage. Grabbing a flirtatious blonde from the mob, he kisses her in a rush of mad passion, his arm encircles her waist, and he leads her directly to a nearby opium den. The crowd disperses, and curiosity pulls you forward. You push open the fringed, beaded tent-flap and enter the dimly-lit room. A lovely, voluptuous redhead stands before an ornate antique easel. Her luminous alabaster skin and the phosphorescence emanating from her paintbrush seem to be the only source of light. As you adjust to the gloom, you see that the walls are covered with atrocities: an exhibit of dissolution. The myriad canvases show men and women in various stages of rot and decay, a panoply of indulgence, teeth set in fury, mouths leering in lust, hands grasping greedily.

    The scarlet woman turns her gleaming sightless eyes towards you and, in a husky, compelling voice, she speaks:

    “Why let the years tear at your youthful splendor? Why let the mark of your sins stain your fine features? Will you let the cold, creeping grasp of time and the toil of temptation mar your visage? Why should the pleasures of our flesh wreak such havoc?”

    She leans in close to you and whispers, “Let me capture your soul on this canvas in oil and blood, and you will be beautiful forever.”

    White tea, sugar cane, orange blossom, rockrose, lemon balm, white mint, and honey.

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  • Kumiho Perfume Oil

    Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom.

    A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.

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  • Maiden Perfume Oil

    A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose.

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  • Manhattan Perfume Oil

    Sexuality, power, confidence. A meeting of modern, sleek elegance and rich, passionate history: sheer amber, black leather, white mint, lemon peel, white tea, grapefruit, kush, teakwood and orchid.

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  • quicken the soul through the blood

    Quicken the Soul Through the Blood Perfume Oil

    Thou shalt touch and make redder his roses

    With juice not of fruit nor of bud;

    When the sense in the spirit reposes,

    Thou shalt quicken the soul through the blood.

    Thine, thine the one grace we implore is,

    Who would live and not languish or feign,

    O sleepless and deadly Dolores,

    Our Lady of Pain.


    Cacao, red patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, Roman chamomile, and white tea.

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    The Harlot’s House Perfume Oil

    We caught the tread of dancing feet,
    We loitered down the moonlit street,
    And stopped beneath the harlot’s house.

    Inside, above the din and fray,
    We heard the loud musicians play
    The “Treues Liebes Herz” of Strauss.

    Like strange mechanical grotesques,
    Making fantastic arabesques,
    The shadows raced across the blind.

    We watched the ghostly dancers spin
    To sound of horn and violin,
    Like black leaves wheeling in the wind.

    Like wire-pulled automatons,
    Slim silhouetted skeletons
    Went sidling through the slow quadrille.

    The took each other by the hand,
    And danced a stately saraband;
    Their laughter echoed thin and shrill.

    Sometimes a clockwork puppet pressed
    A phantom lover to her breast,
    Sometimes they seemed to try to sing.

    Sometimes a horrible marionette
    Came out, and smoked its cigarette
    Upon the steps like a live thing.

    Then, turning to my love, I said,
    “The dead are dancing with the dead,
    The dust is whirling with the dust.”

    But she–she heard the violin,
    And left my side, and entered in:
    Love passed into the house of lust.

    Then suddenly the tune went false,
    The dancers wearied of the waltz,
    The shadows ceased to wheel and whirl.

    And down the long and silent street,
    The dawn, with silver-sandalled feet,
    Crept like a frightened girl.

    The dead are dancing with the dead, the dust is whirling with the dust: angel’s trumpet, violet, white sandalwood, oude, copaiba balsam, angelica, white tea, olibanum, and oakmoss.

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    The Silver Dollar Perfume Oil

    His fingers closed around the Liberty dollar in his pocket, and he remembered Zorya Polunochnaya, and the way she had looked at him in the moonlight. Did you ask her what she wanted? It is the wisest thing to ask the dead. Sometimes they will tell you.

    Gilded iris and Siamese benzoin, silvery-white musk, white tea leaf, and bergamot.

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    The Torture Queen Perfume Oil

    White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome.

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  • things are fine

    Things are Fine Perfume Oil

    As they are,
    Things are fine,
    Sweeping fallen leaves.
    – Santoka

    Label artwork: Sakai Hoitsu


    The blissful contentment of committing to exist in the moment: white sandalwood smoke, hinoki, white tea, and falling leaves.

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    Tweedledee Perfume Oil

    Tweedledum and Tweedledee 
    Agreed to have a battle! 
    For Tweedledum said Tweedledee 
    Had spoiled his nice new rattle. 

    Just then flew down a monstrous crow, 
    As black as a tar-barrel! 
    Which frightened both the heroes so, 
    They quite forgot their quarrel.’

    Ridiculous! Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom.

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  • Yukikeisetsu Perfume Oil

    Sesshu Toyo

    Frost-tipped hinoki, balsam, frangipani, white tea, ho wood, and honey.

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    Yurei Perfume Oil

    The most fearsome of Kaidan’s conjured warriors, his sword can shear through anything — or anyone.

    White tea, hibiscus, Arabian sandalwood, white amber, ho leaf, pale Japanese flowers, and vetiver.

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